Welcome to the request registration platform of the Special Account for Research Funds of the University of Crete
For optimal service, we use the existing request tracking platform. Each request is assigned a unique ticket number, which you can use to track the progress of your request.
Complete records and history of all support requests you have made are provided.
To submit a ticket:
If you have an institutional account (type uoc.gr), you can log in to the platform using the details of this account (e-mail as username and password). If you have another type of account, send an email to ticket.elke@uoc.gr.
All requests should be made from your institutional account, except in cases where you have problems accessing it.
Attention! Always mention the project code number (KA) in your request, if available (fill in the corresponding field).
Important note: The purpose of the service is to answer questions, provide information, and support in problem-solving. It DOES NOT replace the submission of requests to the Research Committee.
Useful Links: